
erm.. funny post

today.. whole day watchin soul eater...
playing some facebook mind test..
one of the result i get:
巨蟹和白羊是水火不容,和金牛則是至交好友,和雙子有特殊的情誼。巨蟹和巨蟹則是會惺惺相惜,和獅子是頗有緣分的一對,和處女是心靈知己,和天秤井水不犯 河水,和蠍子是親密愛人。至於巨蟹和射手座則是關係曖昧,和摩羯座是天長地久型,而和水瓶座則是有特殊的吸引力哦!而巨蟹和雙魚座絕對是讓人羨慕的浪漫多 情哩!
haha.. kinda true la tis result.. hahaaha...

and 1 more thing i find is so interesting..
which is.. a math equation..

hehee.. quite meaningful la..
心里想一个数字, 然后:
+ 52.8
X 5
请问你拿到什么答案呢??? hehehe... the answer is quite romantic d.. ^^
try it.. kekeke.. (but don do the equation sekaligus..if u do so,sure u can't get the real answer 1..)


lingling said...

lolz...is romantic la..XD
so nice..really nice..
wakaka..i like it ..=)
wanted to show.....AHEM..
u know who o hor..keke..^.^

lingling said...

oh ya..forgot something..
im 射手座 ..what u hope from me??
lolz..or someone else?? im kidding ya..bler...XP

S.P.L said...

erm... romantic le?? but hor.. not every 1 can straight away understand tis lo.. ur dear a blur blur d when i ask her to calculate.. aikss.. nvm d..kekeke.. hemm.. who u wanna show ni?? ur “白”马王子??hahahahaa...

hmmm.. wat i hope from 射手座?? erm.. nothin also leh? y?? who else is 射手座?? other than pui yee.. mmmm...

Anonymous said...

lolz..u noe alrd ma..who is the white white 1 de lo...keke..XP
but i dun think he understand also lo..haha..blur blur 1 de..=)

got a...wai yung also 射手座..but he is not your type..no sporting (basketball) 1..hohohohoo...XD

S.P.L said...

hmmm... yaya,i know bah.. kakakaka.. then u need to give hints la.. don juz stay at there not do anythin.. wakakakaka..

mmm.. ya. i know.. he play basketball also d la.. haha.. mmm.. yupp.. he's not my type...